Cornerstone Victor's Church - UGANDA

Eugene & Florence Nsamba

Eugene and Florence pastor Cornerstone Victor’s Church in Kampala, Uganda. They also train pastors and church leaders to minister effectively and plant churches. They have planted 7 churches directly and 30 indirectly through the many people they disciple. They also run Hidden Treasure Primary School with over 200 children in attendance, educating orphans and vulnerable children and thereby impacting entire families with the gospel.

Family Keys International - KENYA

Horace & Phyllis Leister

The Leisters run Tumaini Children’s Home, Ruach Farm and Shining Light School where they provide a family home environment for orphaned and abandoned children. Their goal is to create a secure, reproducible pattern for the sake of these children’s future lives and families.

LitNet! - UGANDA

Annet Birungi

LitNet! Uganda is an educational non-profit organization which promotes Christian education and literacy in English to teachers throughout East Africa. LitNet! Uganda develops curriculum and teaching materials, as well as organizing and implementing “on site” training for indigenous Christian school administrators and teachers, particularly in rural communities.

Oasis Women’s Vocational School - COSTA RICA

Martie & Sam Beck

Oasis Women's Vocational School serves under-resourced Tica's (local Indigenous women) by providing low or no cost educational opportunities designed to increase earning opportunities and help families move out of poverty. Oasis Women's Vocational School offers ESL (English as a Second Language), small business development, personal finance, cooking, sewing, and handcraft classes.

Good News for Asia - INDIA

George & Leelamma Chavanikamannil

George provides overall leadership to the ministries of Good News for India, New Theological College (NTC) and CEA. NTC is a fully accredited seminary serving churches across the Indian continent. CEA focuses on preaching the gospel and planting churches among unreached people groups in India and Nepal. They have planted over 600 churches and have several schools and orphanages that serve over 3,000 needy children.

AG Worship Center - INDIA

Sasi & Binny Joseph

Sasi leads a church planting ministry across four in India: Karnataka, Kerala, Odisha, and Panjab. The base from which he ministers is an Assembly of God church in Kelakam, which he planted and now has over 170 members. Sasi and his team of nine missionaries work to reach those who are far from God, including Hindus and members of the lower caste.

Bible Way Ministries - THAILAND

Terry & Linda Thompson

The Thompsons have several ministry focuses throughout Thailand, Myanmar, and the USA: SonRiz, a short-term church planting/discipleship training school; Mercy House and Mae Sai Book Houses, where they distribute Christian materials free of charge; Lahu Training Center, a 4-year Bible School for Lahu tribal members; an international traveling ministry doing church planting training; and ministry throughout the USA, encouraging the American Church to fulfill the Great Commission.

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